Monday Apr 29, 2024
Ant burns Suns, Timberwolves sweep
Jon Krawczynski on Finch's injury, the Timberwolves' coaching staff and defense, KAT's big game, Edwards as a closer, and so much more.
From Aquarius Home Services Studio (https://aquariushomeservices.com/)
Brought to you by Defined Destinations (https://www.defineddestinations.com/spain-2024) Shepherd Goods & Lamb Chops (https://sglambchops.com/ - Promo Code: JonK20 for 20% off) TSR Injury Law (612-TSR-TIME or https://www.TSRTime.com) & HeadFlyer Brewing (https://www.headflyerbrewing.com/)
Brought to you by Defined Destinations (https://www.defineddestinations.com/spain-2024) Shepherd Goods & Lamb Chops (https://sglambchops.com/ - Promo Code: JonK20 for 20% off) TSR Injury Law (612-TSR-TIME or https://www.TSRTime.com) & HeadFlyer Brewing (https://www.headflyerbrewing.com/)